Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

Possibility Reminders

If you would like to receive my occasional coaching tip 'A Mile in My Shoes' or 'Daily Possibility Quote' by email then you can SUBSCRIBE HERE. You can also delve into the coaching tip ARCHIVES to read all my past tips online. Enjoy!

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Do you 'just know' that you, or your organisation, have significantly more potential than you have seen so far?

Do you feel that you have forgotten or given up on the big dreams you used to have?

Have you wondered whether the two could somehow be related?

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”

So said Michelangelo a few years ago now.

My dream is to be the best that I can be at waking people up to their potential.

Please browse round this site. You may find some thoughts, ideas or inspiration that start to reawaken your fogotten dreams and fan the flames of your true potential.


Below is a video of me talking about goals, visions and New Year's resolutions.


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Just the next step

Just take the next step is such a great philosophy for life.

You don’t have to know every step of the way.

Many of us hesitate, procrastinate and find reasons why the approach we’re considering won’t work so we wait until we’ve got it all worked out.

Even when we’re considering the path to take, we stand at the crossroads weighing up our different options trying to work out which is the best, or the perfect, one. We wait and wait and wait because we don’t want to get it wrong.

What’s the worst that can happen if we do get it wrong? In most cases it’s not a life or death situation. If it is, then it probably would be advisable to take a little time to consider, if you have that luxury.

But most decisions are not matters of life and death, they are not even irreversible; we can usually retrace our steps if we find we’re down the wrong path and we decide to take another one.

There is a fundamental power in choosing and moving, in just taking the next step, however small it is, even if you’ve no idea what the next step after that is.

Being in motion generates new energy.

Being in motion refreshes and generates creativity, new ideas, and positive thoughts.

It’s like, “OK, so we’re off, we’re on the move, where we end up maybe we don’t know, but that just makes it an adventure”, and I don’t know about you but I love an adventure!